Advent: November 29

NOVEMBER 29, 2022
Light the first (purple) candle (the Prophecy Candle), which represents hope or expectation in anticipation of the coming Messiah
Read: Psalm 113
Thoughts for Parents: It is right to begin this season of advent by saying:

“Praise the Lord!… From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!”

Yes, of course we know that we should praise the Lord. We know that He is good and that He deserves our worship, but sometimes we find it difficult to get there. And then, when we discover that coldness in our souls, we wonder whether He still loves us at all, which results in a complete dearth of heartfelt praise.

Here’s the good news from our reading: “The Lord is high above all nations, and His glory is above the heavens!” Yes, He “sits on high” but He also looks far down on the “heavens and the earth.” He “raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.” You see, the good news is that God isn’t only transcendent and sovereign. No, not at all. The good news is that He’s also imminent—He’s with you right there, right where you are, right now. How do we know? We know because of Christmas; God the Son came to earth as Jesus the Man for one primary reason: to raise the poor from the dust and rescue the needy from the trash. Rejoice! He came for you and your family, no matter how lowly, how insignificant, or how much you struggle. He sees your poverty and your neediness, and He’s come to answer it all.
Thoughts for Children:

Do you ever feel like God is far away from you?
Or like He is so big and powerful that He would never notice a little child like you?

Our verses today in Psalm 113 talk about that very thing. You see, God is big and powerful. Our verses say, “He is seated on high.” Imagine some one in a very big throne looking down on everybody else, thinking important thoughts, and doing important things. You probably think that someone so important doesn’t care about unimportant, little kids; but, you see, our God is different. Our verses say that God takes the most unimportant people and raises them up to sit with all the princes. God really does see you. God really does love you. As we get close to Christmas, we are going to see that God loves us so much that He gave us the best gift possible. He gives gifts to the people that most everybody else wouldn’t even bother with. God gives gifts to us because He loves us, not because we are big and powerful.

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1 john 4:9 ABEL ADAM ANGELS ANIMALS ANIMIALS ARK Advent Affections BUGS Belief Bible C.S. Lewis CAIN CHILDREN CREATION Canon Charlie Brown Christmas Community DATING Decay Depravity EVE Exodus FAITHFULNESS FALL FEAR OF THE LORD FLOOD Faith False Teachers GENEROSITY GENESIS 1 GENESIS 2 GENESIS 3 GENESIS 4 GENESIS 6 GLORY OF GOD GOD GREATNESS OF GOD Galatians Gay Marriage God's Plan God's Will Guilt Homosexuality IMAGO DEI INCEST JEREMIAH 32:40 JUDGMENT Joseph LGBTQ LGBTQ Lordship Salvation Love of God Luke 2:10 Lust MAN MURDER Marriage NASA NEPHILIM NOAH PANHANDLERS PARENTING PRAISE PROVERBS 1:7 PSALM 119 Persecuted Church Persecution Perseverance Pilgrim's Progress Pornography Prosperity Gospel Prov erbs Psalm 113 Psalm REGRET REWARDS RIGHTEOUSNESS ROMANS 3:18 Revelation 21:4 SATAN SEED SERPENT SUNDAY WORSHIP Sanctification Scripture Sexual Revolution Shame Sin Spurgeon Teachable The Spirit The Temple Tree Trials Trust UNIVERSE VISITORS WELCOME WILLIAM CAREY Worship adam and eve aliens anxiety anxious atheism beloning bible reading bible study birth of Jesus christ chris chritmas church membership church covenant culture day death demons dem depression devils dev evangelism fasting first humans gal garden of eden genesis 12:1-3 genesis 12:7 genesis 5 genesis good gospel of peter grace happiness heaven hebrews 12 holy spirit hom humility intercession isaiah 35 isaiah 7:14 isaiah 9:6-7 john 3:16 johnn piper knowledge law leviticus life on other planets life span lost books love luke 2:1-7 luke 2:14 luke 2 matthew 11:2-10 matthew 1:18-25 matthew 1:23 membership mental health men missions nehemiah 8:10 neighbors neighbor new earth one another online post christian prayer pride psalm 20 psalm 36 psalm 85 psalm 92 romans 1:1-7 romans 5:8 romans 8:28-39 royal priesthood salvation screwtape scre sexuality singing sovereignty spiritual warfare spir tabernacle thanksgiving toxic women wrong church